Golf Simulator
This amenity features a laser based hitting mat, a 15 foot wide impact screen, 10 foot tall ceilings, and space for both right-handed and left-handed golfers.
Whether you are interested in playing a simulated round of golf on one of the 27 preloaded golf courses or you are interested in hitting range balls, this space is right for you! The hitting mat has lasers to track your club path, face angle, swing speed, and ball direction, which measures launch, lift, and ball speed help ensure that the software reads accurate ball flights.
In addition to the golf simulator, the room features a big screen television, a bar top table and stools for you and your friends. This space is perfect for a variety of settings – a relaxing round of golf over your lunch hour or a night out with your friends for a little competition.
Tee times are required. On average, plan about one hour for 18 holes per person.
NON-Prime Time (M-F) 8AM - 12PM
Member: ........................ $10.00
NON-Member: ...............$15.00
Prime Time (M-F) 12PM - closing, All day Saturday & Sunday
Member: ........................ $15.00
NON-Member: ...............$20.00

**Please call or stop in to reserve a tee time.**